Our Sustainability Consultants have decades of experience in
We're dedicated to protecting and improving the environment by developing South Carolina Green Businesses by implementing Life Cycle Management. However, as experienced business leaders, we're equally dedicated to your business, its profitability, and growth.
As you'll discover by reading this page, the two goals are not mutually exclusive. In fact, in today's business climate, you'll find out why business prosperity and growth depend upon implementing Sustainable Practices.
You can't turn on the news without hearing about Environmental Sustainability and Green Energy. Consumers are more educated and informed about environmental issues than ever before.
It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with the concept of Global Warming and the threat Global Warming poses to the environment. The fact remains that an ever-growing majority of consumers of products and services and regulating governmental agencies, in South Carolina, The United States, and globally, do believe Environmental Sustainability is crucial.
While Environmental Sustainability is at the forefront, other categories of Sustainability must be considered.
Is your community a desirable place to live
Community members do care that businesses in their neighborhood are good corporate citizens.
Are your employees provided
Consumers do care that businesses they deal with treat people well.
Economic growth with a sustainable mindset means
When implementing Sustainability, it's crucial not to impact your existing products or services negatively. Sometimes you can implement Sustainability with no ill effects on your existing products or services. In other situations, it may be necessary to add additional Sustainable Products appealing to customers searching for Green Companies.
Perform Cost/Benefit studies to determine which approach is best for your unique business situation. Aftan Sustainable Engineering assures you consider all important factors.
Beware of computer program providers that suggest you don't need Sustainability expertise. Sustainability programs are excellent, and we use those software packages. However, understanding the variables to enter is difficult. If you enter wrong data, the program will produce incorrect results. Furthermore, you're dealing with algorithms that aren't perfect. The bottom line is that if you don't know what you're doing, you can deceive yourself.
WeISO 14001 Certification is becoming more important for companies.
Lisa Peterson, Ph.D., PE, MBA is the President of Berks County-based Aftan Engineering. Lisa is a uniquely qualified professional
Lisa's qualifications include a